Wednesday 23 April 2008

Helle Jorgensen

Helle Jorgensen is a crochet designer working in Australia and the ocean and it's occupants are her inspiration. I discovered her designs through her blog, gooseflesh, and was so impressed that I wrote to her asking to feature her on chaincreative. Of course, the world-travelling show that is Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef is an ideal showcase for her work but she has also designed for the Rubbish Vortex which to us sounds rather strange but to countries bordering the Pacific Ocean is a real and growing problem. This art brings a human level to a worldwide problem and is thought provoking.She also sells her jewellery designs through etsy through her The Gooseflesh Boutique and it is so challenging to see that crochet goes far beyond granny squares and scarves.


Unknown said...

I love her work...the colours are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, and so beautifully observed.