Friday 30 May 2008

Voyage to the unknown

Following on from Wednesday's post on the Northern blogs, here's some more travels in the top half of the globe. Kate, a great ex-student of mine, drew my attention to the wonders of Bjork's crochet costumes and their origins. Perfect for a crochet blog like chaincreative - a use of a craft in artistic perspectives.
In 2007, Bjork designed her tour promoting the album Volta using freeform crochet for her visual representation, the costumes being designed by the Icelandic Love Corporation. The link for Volta is to the dedicated site and is choc-full of images for the album. The artists responsible for the design are three women based in Reykjavik, Sigrun, Joni and Eirun (my apologies to their last names but I was sure I would spell them wrong!). If you visit their website you'll see just how wide-ranging their artistic skills are.
All this brings me to the massive country called Freeform Crochet - there be dragons!!! - which I have to confess is Terra Incognita to me. On Monday I plan to post the findings of my first journey there and feature two exponents of the art, Anna Voog and Prudence Mapstone

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