Tuesday 21 April 2009

Attention crochet

I have found a fantastic blog called single crochet and in-keeping with the theme this week, it's French!!! I wanted you all to go there as it's fantastique and will give alot of people inspiration and pleasure I hope. More later I'm sure.

I found single crochet through another adorable blog, sissi et loulou, which lifts the spirits with it's jolly colours and light and just check out that skirt. I adore it!!

A bientot!


Guro said...

Thank you so much for all the wonderful links!
By the way, have you seen the blog called Pickles(I am totally in love with this blog)? I am sure you have, since you visit fryd+design a lot. Did you see the pattern for the lamp shade? http://www.pickles.no/pickles/2009/4/19/lun-lampe.html

Bee Creative said...

Hello Guro!!!
Yes, indeed, I have discovered Pickles but somehow when I was there it was cooking and there's no way I can turn that into crochet!!! Anyway I've now checked out the lamp and it's going to have to be posted, don't you think?!!
Lots of love

Dawn said...

This is so wonderful. Thank you for your inspiring links and your shared love for hook & yarn!