Once again I've been spending far too much time drifting round the design blog world and getting caught up in the extra dimensions they create. You should try it out with a few spare seconds (or, in my case, hours!) and see what you find. My latest discovery was a pretty blog from Norway called Fryd and Design (luckily in English; my Norweigan isn't great) and this then drew me off into some interesting by-ways.
Following the trail of breadcrumbs I came across this Japanese site called CP Store which had the most gorgeous images of clothes and style that went on for page after page and each page had a tantalising glimpse of little crochet items that set me to thinking. Here are some pics - I'd post more but I don't want to ruffle feathers - check it out for yourself after peeking at these.
My next post will be a little 'homage' to what I found - some ideas for trims to a beloved garment that needs a lift.
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