Your name
Fringe (aka Dennice)
Where you’re from?
San Diego, California
Blog address
Now we have the preliminaries out the way can you describe your various creative skills!
I knit, crochet, embroider, sew, and design the items I make. I love doing all kinds of creative things, but for my business it’s the previous skills I mentioned.
When did you start to crochet and who taught you?
My babysitter taught me to crochet when I was the ripe old age of 4. Her name was Lucy and she was the sweetest, gentlest woman. I remember very clearly asking her to teach me.
The name of the business is interesting. What was the inspiration behind it?

A dear friend of mine came up with the name Fringe when she and I were brainstorming for a name for my business. She thought of it because so many of my pieces have fringe on them. (I hope the picture I've chosen gives a nice visual for your name choice!)
What influences your style and output? What are your inspirations?
My inspirations are music, nature; many, many things inspire me. Ideas come to me while I’m sleeping, or driving down the road, or cooking. I can be in the middle of a conversation with someone and an idea will hit me. I always carry a pad of paper and pencil with me. Classic movies are a big influence to me as well. What are the most important aspects of your work to you? The designs themselves are important. Also, the quality of each piece. I spend a great deal of time and effort with each piece. I take pride in my work. For me, it’s very important to that I love my designs. I h

Which project or piece of work are you most proud of?
That is really hard for me to answer. I’m proud of all my pieces. I don’t mean that in a bragging sort of way. I mean I love all of them. They are all a piece of me. It’s been an honor for me to have one of my items chosen to represent Etsy on the Martha Stewart Show. Also, I was given the grand opportunity to be featured in Knitscene Magazine’s Fall ’08 issue. Wow!!!!
When are you most happy when you’re working?
I’m most happy during the design process and then when that design comes to fruition. There is such a sense of accomplishment. I guess I love the entire process! I’m always so thrilled too when a client writes to me to say how much she or he loves their Fringe original. It’s what makes my work so rewarding.I’d like to say thank you for your interest in my work. It’s an honor to be featured on your blog. I hope everyone who reads this will be inspired to create with their own original style.
Thank you so much, Dennice, I'm sure it will spark alot of interest in business-minded and just plan envious crocheters alike!!!

Fringe is such a lovely name, the work is also really great, knitting rocks !!!
Indeedn I knew the work before. so happy to learn more on the designer by your interview!
Thnaks a lot both of you
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