Claire is a great discoverer of all things creative and ways to be creative. Her latest venture is going to include you, the great public. Called Kiosk it is, as Claire says, a way for designers 'to take part in a collaboratory exhibition with Wayne Hemmingway Design and the Design Museum. They have set up a Kiosk by the Mayor's fab building with a view to supporting young British designers. It is a great idea and I recommend you all head down there at least once over the summer to support the innovative design and participate in some workshops.' Isn't that fantastic?! And I'm going to be there as crochet and sewing sidekick!!!
Claire has kindly asked me to join her in giving crochet advise and workshops and my own sewing workshops. Yippee!!! I plan to run workshops in simple start-up sewing with basic stitch guides and making opportunities to design and make your own accessories either in crochet or fabric! Anyone in the South Bank area on Sunday 26th July put it in your diary now and head down to our Kiosk for a day!!!
Finally, I want to give a big crochet hurrah for my Improvers' crochet gals yesterday at Loop. I adore all the classes at Loop and if you've wondered about attending then wonder no more. They're grrrrrrrreat and rewarding. Yesterday's Improvers were a case in point. Everyone there arrived with alot of doubts about their ability and conviction that they'd be pleased if they managed a row of trebles. Stuff and nonsense. They finished with the entire stitch lexicon done and dusted and the start of a beautiful scarf or trim. Doubts have vanished and they're off to becoming experienced crocheters.

yay! thanks bee, thats loverly, and i am glad your improvers class went well. see you friday! x
'Tis a pleasure, Claire. Yep, see you for Crochet Fridays at Loop!!!!
What a lovely time I had on saturday at your improvers club. I feel confident now to try anything! well nearly. Thanks so much Bee I will let you know when I have completed my next project using some of those stitches you taught me.
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