Friday 6 August 2010

Inside Crochet - new designs

I'm very pleased with the latest edition of Inside Crochet which is featuring the pattern for my mesh dress and their back page column of some of my crochet musings!! My friend and collaborator in makedomend, Claire Montgomerie, has taken over the editorial helm so I'm expecting some super new designs to start appearing between the pages!!!
The mesh dress was actually a project for myself but Claire saw it and whisked it away to the IC studios for featuring in their revamp edition. I had been inspired by the sport wear on the catwalks this season and particularly the shift tunics of the Y-3 collection.

Magazines are often a great way to pick up on good patterns, tips and interviews and coming from the Yarn Forward stable, I'm sure Inside Crochet will become a 'must have' for any ardent crocheter.


Penelope-by-the-Sea said...

I have just purchased my very first Inside crochet magazine from my LYS and just love it. Really pleased about Clare Montgomery coming on board xox Love your mesh dress xox

MrsGKnits said...

Look forward to more of your musings Bee. Dress is so fab!

Agnes x