I don't know if that worked out but I did find out that I really enjoyed the research and I found lots of crochet-crazees like me. It might not be the most read blog in the world but it did seem to be exactly what it says at the top. It has become a creative chain of like-minded people.
The important thing is to keep growing. If you love crochet as much as me, then check out these places for many hours of happy browsing. First off, Etsy, a terrific gathering place to buy and sell the handmade. I bought a ton of presents this year for Christmas and I was confident that what I was buying was a product of the designer. As far as crochet is concerned, apart from the many creators of crochet products, there many designers on the site who offer great pdf patterns for us to take a peek at.

Stitchdiva (one of their patterns is pictured here) is a treasury for the crocheter and knitter and I go there for any queries or info that I need. They love their crochet and there are tons of patterns on offer there and any amount of advice and help. Knitty (the lovely earring picture is at the top of our posting today) and Ravelry come into the same category. Ravelry is huge and you'll find many designers publish their ideas and patterns here. You have to submit for membership but that is a formality and once you're there then it's happy reading and discussing.
OK, that's a start on your journey and if you want to spread your wings a bit and have a good look at the chatter out in crochet land then you need to follow the chain. I find that there are a few really good general sites that I visit alot. Crochetinsider has some interesting interviews with crochet designers which will give you some idea of the process involved in design. Craft magazine is for all the craft skills but is a terrific resource for crochet ideas and links. In the same stable comes craftystylish which lets you into all sorts of crochet secrets. Last, but not least, Lion Brand yarns have free patterns and advice galore. 
So now we begin another year and I'm ready with my hook to teach a few more to enjoy the skill as much as I do and to inspire more interest in its craft and design. Happy New Year!!!!!
Your blog is a must-read for me whenever you post. I was soooo grateful to find 'Chain Creative' and be immersed with beautiful, gorgeous, & I.N.S.P.I.R.I.N.G. links/pics of such creative crocheters! I may not comment, but believe me -- I do read and come away with a feeling of having been touched by simple and sometimes highly intricate beauty.
Thanks so much for your efforts and information. I bookmarked a number of links in today's post. I only follow 12 - yup, only 12 - craft blogs and you are one of them! Happy New Year!
It's so nice to have such lovely comments on the blog. Thank you to all!!!!
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