In an earlier post I wrote about A Stitch in Time by Jane Waller and it's enduring appeal. It's the only book of it's kind that collected such a diverse selection of vintage knitting and crochet patterns over a 60-70 year period. For all us vintage fans that's quite a book to have in one
's library. The problem was that for a long time it had been out of print since it's publication in the 1970's. It had become a collector's piece with a price tag to match. Now, hurray, the lovely people at knitonthenet have revived this grand old lady and spruced her up with new colour shots of the patterns and it is perfect. Even better is the price you'll have to pay, about £28 direct from knitonthenet. Their introduction sums it all up beautifully, 'This book is inspirational not just to the knitter but also to the designer, collector, fashion student, dress historian, stylist and anyone in love with yesteryear.'
My usual port-of-call is ebay and there are several sellers there who have regular sales of vintage knitting and crochet patterns through from the 1930's to the present day. If you're beginning to want to spread your wings into more challenging patterns then you can't go far wro
ng with a pattern from an earlier time. The 1940's and 50's patterns use techniques and styling that is sadly missing from many of the present day fashion patterns. I really recommend a visit.

If you are a lover of all things vintage then the internet will really cater for your needs. crochetpatterncentral is an ever-changing and increasing collection of many of the vintage patterns out there and is worth checking regularly.

I've included a couple of images from my collection of patterns from 1940's USA. Chic!!!
As a footnote to last weeks 'rug' posting take a look at this picture. Isn't this a great way to bring the floor to you!!! And, of course, you recognise the design from last week from the wonderful Paola Lenti.
As a footnote to last weeks 'rug' posting take a look at this picture. Isn't this a great way to bring the floor to you!!! And, of course, you recognise the design from last week from the wonderful Paola Lenti.

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