The table is covered with my 'homework' for the Jewellery Workshop in a few weeks. Beads, thread, hooks all tumbled out ready for action. I'm really excited about the opportunities the planned day has created to get acquainted with skills that I think will be new for everyone. I must say, bead crochet is not an area I've explored to date but I'm beginning to realise it isn't something you tackle lightly. You need sharp eyes and oodles of patience but once you've started (and re-started several times!) it's really rewarding.
I've gone to several sources for advise and patterns and I'll pass them on to you. First off came from Mknze Designs, A Bead Crochet Primer. The PDF costs $9 but is the clearest description I've found on the net.

I really think if you're starting out, you need a pattern. The principles and pattern layout is such a different ballpark for a crocheter and a clear pattern is such a help. Need for Beads is where I turned to for a large selection of patterns. Be careful, however, that, if you're a beginner, you choose wisely and don't get over-ambitious. Once you get all your materials and get started you soon realise that your over-confidence has led you into a real maze and starting simple means you're more likely to succeed.
I searched on the net for beads but decided that, although there are hundreds of suppliers, nothing beat actually handling the supplies before I bought them. Luckily, I live near London so went to The Bead Shop in Tower Street which supposedly has 'the finest bead shopping experience in Europe'! I was very happy with my purchases I must say. However, you can buy online too. Now I just have to find the time to really get cracking. That's something you can't buy!!!
Great Bee!!!
Although I sometimes use beads in my own jewellery, I've never practices beadscrocheting. Must try it once ...
Good luck with the workshop preparations!!!
Thank you Veerle, I need some luck with this and some better glasses!!!!
Looking great! Have never tried using beads in this way (only making jeweller and occasionally sewing them onto things).
Might have to give it a go!
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