Dig deep!
I've often wondered what bloggers get up to when they 'disappear' for a bit. Work, illness, lack of material, all of the above and more. I know that I'm always thinking of what I'll post but when there's hundreds of Very Important Projects all shouting for attention then I'm afraid that the blog has to take a backseat. Summer does seem to take people out and away from the computer - I wonder why. The northern bloggers particularly are passionate about the 'outdoors' (I know, we all are) but as I visit many blogs from Scandanavia, the number of posts dwindle as the summer months start. I don't mind. I'm out there too and that's with English weather.

My lovely salad garden -yum!
Jewellery-making never ends!!!
1950's capelet in Frog Tree Alpaca Sport Melange
A girl's gotta have a rest some time!!!!

My lovely salad garden -yum!
So while the blog suffers, rest assured I am working on it's behalf. Loop in London gives me loads of inspiration, so when I'm in the shop Claire and I are often to be found up to our arms in lovely, lovely yarn speculating what to sample next. And how do you teach left-handers when you're right-handed. Important stuff!!!

The rest of my week is taken up with many of the projects I've set up for the summer. The Jewellery Workshop is appearing on the horizon swiftly followed by two sewing events and the Felt Workshop. I'm also struggling to finish many of the projects I'd started of making up a series of vintage patterns that I can gather in 'book' form and publish.

Whilst that's all going on, I've got the outdoors to contend with!!! Mind you, with the gorgeous weather (yes, we do have divine weather in England so don't believe the myths!!!) we've been experiencing there's tons of things to do in the garden.

Then there's the family. My son's moving and my lovely L is starting an internship at Vivienne Westwood. Yelp!!!!!!!
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