Chaincreative really loves attention! Who doesn't, and it's often completely unexpected. The blog has had a mention on a website called pintangle included in a list of blogs all beginning with the letter 'c'. It's not just random addresses either. The author, Sharon, from Australia curates this comprehensive blog on the creative arts and chose the blogs with a special purpose in mind, 'I choose blogs that stay on topic, written reasonably frequently, by textile practitioners and designers who do such things as quilt, stitch, dye, sew, embellish fabric,and bead. Or who are interested in art and design and perhaps are interested in paper related crafts, such as bookbinding, or use visual journals.'
I thought that there might be something else in the list for you. I've posted a picture from the pin tangle blog which is perhaps more suited to Sewing Bee but it's good to diversify!!!
I got curious about the blog Pintangle, but there must something wrong with the address. I don't get there if I clic.
By the way – you have a nice blog.
All sorted! Try again if you've been having problems. Technical glitch I suppose but the address is correct now.
Bee x
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